Sunday, January 27, 2008

Spring Cleaning

How would you spend your last day before starting Chemo?

Dan & I decided that cleaning the house from top to bottom would be fun! So we set our Roomba in action on the carpets, moped the floors, scrubbed the walls and cleaned the bathrooms. I got called in to work on Sunday and while I was there taking care of my VRE patient I thought that cleaning with regular old Formula 409 wouldn't cut it so I brought home some CaviWipes (The hospital strength wipes clean, disinfect & decontaminate all hard surfaces - this stuff kills things you haven't even thought existed!)

Dr. Wood said about 1/3 of all his patients end up being hospitalized during their Chemotherapy treatment from common colds and other simple things but because of Dan's immune system being low it would be hard for him to fight it without IV antibiotics and fluid. So we are doing everything we can to avoid that by being super clean, washing our hands all the time and with Purell and making sure that those around him are not sick. Depending on how well he tolerates the Chemo will determine how much he can go into work and lead his normal life. At least he can do some work from home so he doesn't go crazy.

Tonight we are hitting the Best Buy for some games to play on the laptop while Dan does his Chemo (each session lasts 4 hours) and picking up Olive Garden for his friend Dustin & Erin Nowak who just had a baby boy, Max, just a couple days ago.

And for those looking for our decision, we went with 3 drugs. I will update you guys again soon.


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Birthday Countdown

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Dexter's Growth

Birth (5/5/09) - 8 lbs 13.8oz - 20in
1 Month - 10 lbs, 11oz - 22in
2 Months - 11 lbs, 11 oz - 23in
4 Months - 15 lbs, 11oz - 25in
7 Months - 18 lbs 1.5oz - 28.8in
9 Months - 20 lbs 4 oz
1 Year - 22 lbs 9 oz - 29.9in
18 Months - 25 lbs 3 oz - 32.6in
2 Years - 27.8 lbs, 36 in
2.5 Years - 31 lbs, 37 in
3 Years - 32.6 lbs, 38 in
3.5 Years - 35.6 lbs, 39 in
4 Years - 36.6 lbs, 41 in
5 Years - 38.2 lbs, 42.75 in
6 Years - 44 lbs, 46 in
7 years - 49 lbs, 48 in


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