Friday, December 26, 2008

A few Christmas Pictures

Just got back from Heather & Jeff's house. We had a wonderful Christmas dinner with their family and my Uncle Bob. We also opened lots of great presents. Dan and I got some great baby stuff! We also got a box full of information about my mother's side of the family for our genealogy research.

Reading to Cole, one of his favorite activities.

Comparing Pregnant belly sizes (I am 22 weeks, Heather is 16 weeks)

Cole wants to go for a walk in his daddies shoes

Patiently waiting for Christmas dinner to be served.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Dan and I did our final Christmas shopping Friday. Included in that trip was getting some maternity clothes for me since I can no longer button my pants! So I got a couple pairs of pants and shirts that should cover me for the next couple months.

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season.

Friday, December 12, 2008

some stats

I forgot to mention the 2 stats I remember from the exam. The baby weighs 12 oz (so next time you take a drink of coke think of Dex) and his Head Circumference is 170mm. Both measurements are right on track for 20 weeks.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

20 week update

Went to the doctor today for my big 20week ultrasound and checkup. Our baby is officially a baby boy! His heartbeat was strong in the 150s and all his measurements looked good. Below you can see some of his photos. He was moving all around and was hiccuping for a good portion of the exam which was pretty funny to see.

The only potential problem from today's visit is I possibly have "marginal cord insertion". Based on the angles they could get they think the umbilical cord is going into the side of the placenta instead of the middle, which could lead to various problems such as growth problems due to not enough nourishment (which hasn't happened yet, he measures 20 weeks still) or possibly problems during the delivery. Nothing really do be done right now about it except monitor his growth via ultrasounds to make sure he stays on track. So normally I would be done with ultrasounds until the birth but I will be getting one in 4 weeks in addition to my doctor checkup.

Click the photo below for a much larger version.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

19 weeks and kicking

I am pretty sure that last night I felt my first baby kicks. I have felt a couple more kick-like sensations today at work. All mostly low down on my belly. I cant wait for the coming weeks when these get stronger so Dan can feel it also.

My belly is getting to the point where jeans and T-shirts are starting to get uncomfortable. Supposed to grow quite a bit from now on, so its going to make this winter interesting trying to stay warm with my coat not fitting around me soon!

Next Thursday is the big 20 week ultrasound appointment at 1pm. I hope everything looks good that day and I am sure I will be posting several pictures of him (we think its him :D ) for everyone that day.

Blog Archive

Birthday Countdown

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Dexter's Growth

Birth (5/5/09) - 8 lbs 13.8oz - 20in
1 Month - 10 lbs, 11oz - 22in
2 Months - 11 lbs, 11 oz - 23in
4 Months - 15 lbs, 11oz - 25in
7 Months - 18 lbs 1.5oz - 28.8in
9 Months - 20 lbs 4 oz
1 Year - 22 lbs 9 oz - 29.9in
18 Months - 25 lbs 3 oz - 32.6in
2 Years - 27.8 lbs, 36 in
2.5 Years - 31 lbs, 37 in
3 Years - 32.6 lbs, 38 in
3.5 Years - 35.6 lbs, 39 in
4 Years - 36.6 lbs, 41 in
5 Years - 38.2 lbs, 42.75 in
6 Years - 44 lbs, 46 in
7 years - 49 lbs, 48 in


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