Wednesday, December 3, 2008

19 weeks and kicking

I am pretty sure that last night I felt my first baby kicks. I have felt a couple more kick-like sensations today at work. All mostly low down on my belly. I cant wait for the coming weeks when these get stronger so Dan can feel it also.

My belly is getting to the point where jeans and T-shirts are starting to get uncomfortable. Supposed to grow quite a bit from now on, so its going to make this winter interesting trying to stay warm with my coat not fitting around me soon!

Next Thursday is the big 20 week ultrasound appointment at 1pm. I hope everything looks good that day and I am sure I will be posting several pictures of him (we think its him :D ) for everyone that day.


Anonymous December 3, 2008 at 9:01 PM  

WOW!!! The fun is just beginning!!xoxoxomomxoxoxo

Sharon or Allan December 5, 2008 at 11:14 AM  

Early and strong!
Love, Dad

Deb Phillips December 9, 2008 at 7:59 AM  

That's so exciting!

Blog Archive

Birthday Countdown

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Dexter's Growth

Birth (5/5/09) - 8 lbs 13.8oz - 20in
1 Month - 10 lbs, 11oz - 22in
2 Months - 11 lbs, 11 oz - 23in
4 Months - 15 lbs, 11oz - 25in
7 Months - 18 lbs 1.5oz - 28.8in
9 Months - 20 lbs 4 oz
1 Year - 22 lbs 9 oz - 29.9in
18 Months - 25 lbs 3 oz - 32.6in
2 Years - 27.8 lbs, 36 in
2.5 Years - 31 lbs, 37 in
3 Years - 32.6 lbs, 38 in
3.5 Years - 35.6 lbs, 39 in
4 Years - 36.6 lbs, 41 in
5 Years - 38.2 lbs, 42.75 in
6 Years - 44 lbs, 46 in
7 years - 49 lbs, 48 in


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