Day 2
Today was smooth, and I think the rest of the week should follow this pattern. We arrived at the hospital by 8. Dan was hooked up and IV flowing by 8:15 (His IV stays in when he goes home). And we left at 12:45. Dan was feeling nauseous from Monday starting about 1 hour after he got home and was a 4/10 on the nauseous scale. The Zofran and Compazine is doing an ok job but it can be better so during today's treatment they gave him some IV Compazine towards the end of the treatment and gave him a prescription for Ativan pills Q8 as needed at home to help his nerves and GI track relax. This seems to be a nice combo because Dan has been sleeping for the past 4 hours since we got home. The nurses warned us that every day will get a little worse until about day 10 when things start swinging back up. Days 1-5 he will have the Nausea, Day 6 he gets his Neulasta shot to boost his white blood cells which will make his bones ache all over, Days 7-10 his blood counts will be at his lowest so he will be tired and be at his highest point for getting something like a cold or flu. More updates later. I am off to take a nap!
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