15 month mirthday!
First off, my Aunt Heather wanted to see a picture of me eating at my new table so here I am from this morning eating my blueberries, waffle and milk. Also here is a video from this morning showing people what I like to do in the morning between 6:30 and 7:30 when I leave for baby school. Its a pretty action packed hour!
Here is a breakdown of my many accomplishments over the last 3 months:
Weight: About 23 pounds. I wear size 18month pants, 2T shirts and size 4 shoes
Physically: I can walk well. I can throw balls and kick balls. I can use a spoon and a fork but still prefer using my hands. I can get in and out of a little chair.
Verbally: My best words are mama and ball. I still mostly grunt and try to mimic words people say but you wouldn't be able to recognize them as words yet.
Comprehension: Although I cant talk well I understand a lot. If you say we are going for a walk I will bring everyone their shoes, bring the dogs their collars and get into my stroller. If you say bring me a ball or book I will. If you tell me to drink I will. If you say time to brush your teeth I will go to the bathroom. If you say night-night I will wave bye to mommy or daddy and go to my room and sleep without any problem. I am also starting to learn my body parts. I know head, ears, mouth, tongue and tummy so far.
Likes: Outdoor play, looking at books and being read to, playing with Bosley, sleeping, opening and closing doors, playgrounds
Dislikes: I hate when someone takes away a toy I am playing with. I hate baths in a bathtub (however I love baths in the sink)
What is to come: Next week I am flying in another airplane! I am going to visit my nana and grandfather in Florida for 6 days with mommy. I can't wait to see them and play in the ocean. I still use a pacifier at night but mommy said after that trip she is going to start taking them away at night - we will see how that goes!
He's grown so fast! It's amazing all the things he can do.
Mappy Mirthday Dexter!
Dex looks so good sitting at his table. Makes my kids look like a pack of wild hyenas.
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