Dex has taken over the freezer
Half the freezer is now frozen breast milk or frozen pureed vegetables! I am not a cook at all but I wanted to try my hand at making my own pureed baby food. I have to say it was super easy. I baked 3 sweet potatoes yesterday (one went to Dan), scooped out the middle tossed it in the blender with several ounces of breast milk to thin it out and that was it! Avocado was even easier, no need to cook just mush it up. I have these little 2oz Tupperware containers to store them in. When he is ready to eat I just warm one up and go. Apparently they are good for 2 months in the freezer. It took about 10minutes to make both and now he has food for a while. I am starting him on sweet potato as his first food, skipping cereal for now. After sweet potato we will tackle avocado and then banana. You can tell I am a first time mom since feeding him excites me, its going to be a super mess...
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