Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weekly Video

I am such a youtube star...

Mommy included closed captions for those who wanted to understand what I am saying.


Sharon or Allan August 24, 2009 at 1:17 PM  

I got the uh.. part perfectly, good thing mom understands the rest! love, Grandfather

Heather August 24, 2009 at 2:11 PM  

Love it. Dex is so smart.

Mom K. August 24, 2009 at 4:24 PM  

That was hysterical!

nana August 26, 2009 at 10:03 AM  

What a chatterbox! xoxonanaxoxo

Blog Archive

Birthday Countdown

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Dexter's Growth

Birth (5/5/09) - 8 lbs 13.8oz - 20in
1 Month - 10 lbs, 11oz - 22in
2 Months - 11 lbs, 11 oz - 23in
4 Months - 15 lbs, 11oz - 25in
7 Months - 18 lbs 1.5oz - 28.8in
9 Months - 20 lbs 4 oz
1 Year - 22 lbs 9 oz - 29.9in
18 Months - 25 lbs 3 oz - 32.6in
2 Years - 27.8 lbs, 36 in
2.5 Years - 31 lbs, 37 in
3 Years - 32.6 lbs, 38 in
3.5 Years - 35.6 lbs, 39 in
4 Years - 36.6 lbs, 41 in
5 Years - 38.2 lbs, 42.75 in
6 Years - 44 lbs, 46 in
7 years - 49 lbs, 48 in


dexter (820) family (120) video (111) Fertility (59) cousins (56) cancer (49) school (40) speech (25) vacation (25) homebuilding (24) month update (23) christmas (20) dogs (20) sick (17) holiday (15) sports (15) halloween (14) milestone (13) Dan (10) birthday (10) friends (10) Adoption (8) General (7) signs (6) ali (5) cubscout (5) gainesville (4) motocross (4) race (3) volunteer (3) Book Review (2) moving (2) photography class (2) Adoption Family (1) Homestudy (1) Real estate (1) baby (1) balloon fiesta (1) boat (1) book (1) new mexico (1)

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