Adoption Update
We have been moved to the homestudy list by our adoption agency(FAC)! However before we start the mountain of paperwork that needs to be done they need to receive a letter from Dr. Wood. FAC will require a detailed letter from Dan’s oncologist with specifics on his diagnosis, treatment received and his current condition. He should include future prognosis and any additional treatment he will need. The letter should also include a discussion about the stability of Dan’s health and his suitability to move forward with an adoption from a medical standpoint.
Once we get that letter from Dr. Wood's office and mail it to FAC we can see if they want to move forward or perhaps wait longer to start the paperwork. Hopefully they let us start on the paperwork. Between gathering all the documentation and meeting with the social worker the homestudy process usually takes about 3 months to complete.
We still plan on starting IVF as well but regardless of how that goes I want to adopt a child and provide a good home to someone who wouldn't otherwise. Who knows, maybe we will get lucky and within a couple years have 2 babies to love!
Woo Hoo! Good news all around. I keep my fingers crossed for speedy paperwork/homestudy!
Love, Heather
Great news! Boy, things are really starting to happen for the better. Can't wait to hear more. xoxoxomomxoxoxo
They (all your children) will be blessed to have such loving parents.
Awesome, guys! As usual, you have a lot going on. I don't know how you swing it! :-)
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