General Update
Just a few things going on here in Ohio. My dad has been up to visit, he had a couple weeks off from work after he fell and broke 3 ribs so he decided to drive up to Ohio and visit all of us. Dan has a CT-Scan next Thursday as part of his normal follow-ups. Hopefully things continue to stay stable with his scans. My next appointment is next Wednesday, its a meeting with the nurse at the OB clinic with a group of other pregnant ladies. They are going over things like nutrition, how things are done at their clinic, etc at this meeting. It will still be a couple weeks until I see a doctor and have an ultrasound or heartbeat check I think.
Other than all the medical stuff Dan and I have mostly been catching up with new TV shows that are finally back on. We love our old favorites - Heroes, Dexter, Entourage, The Office. And have added in a great new show from HBO called True Blood.
Enjoy the final day of September everyone!