Decided to go to an actual fertility center to address this problem 1 year after my 1st pregnancy since it was now about 3 years of trying to get, and maintain, a pregnancy.
Here is what happened:
Well Dan and I had a nice long meeting today with my new Fertility Doctor. We sat down in his office and went over all the lab tests from Dan and I and came up with a plan for having a baby. He said there is no overwhelming reason why we cant make a baby naturally based on the labs. Said normal couples have a 20% chance but since we have tried basically unsuccessfully for almost 3 years now that our chance is more in 9% range. Based on the fact that my cycles are kinda irregular (anywhere from 30-38 days in between and only lasting like 2 days) and Dan's sperm count while in the normal range is on the lower side of normal (his was 30million and normal is 25-50million) we are going to start right off with medicines and insemination. The success rate for a combo of ovulation meds & intrauterine insemination (IUI) is 60-75% which is nice to hear. Course that is just pregnancy success, you still have chance for miscarry and stuff. Anyways I am pretty excited that we have an actual plan.
Day 1 (first day of period) - Call the doctor and tell them, hey its Cycle Day 1 (here on out called CD 1)
CD 3 - Ultrasound -- they want to check out my follicles and my uterine lining..sounds fun. make sure I don't have any cysts or other issues going on. If the anatomy checks out I start the meds.
CD 3 - Begin Clomid once a day until CD 7
CD 12 - Another ultrasound to make sure my follicles have reached the desired size, if not large enough I come back in 2-3 days. If they are of the right size I get to inject myself with HCG. HCG basically stimulates ovulation which in 90% of women cause them to ovulate between 36 and 40 hours from the injection time.
CD 14 assuming the ultrasound was good I take my shot that night and come in the morning of the 14th day for IUI.
Dan has to produce a sample in the lovely sample room, they then cleanse and concentrate the sperm. About an hour later they place it in me and I get to lay there for a couple hours reading a book or something.
CD 21 Lab work
CD 28 take a home pregnancy test. If positive I call the doctor. they will continue to monitor me up until week 12 where they will turn me over to an OB/GYN monitoring progesterone levels and trying to make sure I don't miscarry basically. If negative I call them on my next day 1 and start the process all over again. They said they typically will do 4 cycles before they move up the ladder of things to try.