Friday, May 6, 2011

2 years!

Yesterday was my big birthday, but today I went to the doctor for all my official measurements so my blog post is a day late. 

Here is my big update on my many skills and likes over the past 6 months

Vital Stats: 
Weight: 27.8 pounds (49% percentile) Height: 36.2 inches (91% percentile) Head size 51.4cm (98% percentile) 
I am up to 12 teeth with #13 just starting to come out now.  
For clothes I wear size 2T shirts and pants, size 5 shoes
I had to get 1 booster shot today, but no more shots until I am 4!

Physically: Gross motor:  I can run and climb really well.  I can pull 50 pound dogs in wagons.  I can throw a ball or kick a ball hard but not in any particular direction.
Fine Motor: I can use a spoon, fork and knife.  I can brush my teeth.  I can open any unlocked door.  I also paint well with my fingers, still working on using markers and crayons on the paper and not on the tables.

Verbally: I have a few 2 word sentances down - my favorites are "bye-bye dadda", "thank-you momma", "no momma" and "more wawa (water)".  My single word vocab is still fairly limited to around 20 words that non-mothers could understand (mama, dada, nana (which can mean nana or banana), dog, gaga (garbage truck), juice, water, cheese, cracker, ball, quack-quack(duck), more, hand, door, night-night etc)

Likes: Brooms. Water. Playgrounds. Balloons. Playing in the car.  I really like to drag people around the house showing them things.  I will ask for your hand and then bring you to my super awesome discovery or just bring you to a door I want you to unlock.  I like to sleep.  You say its bedtime and I will jump up, start running to my room while yelling bye-bye dada and climb into my big boy bed before you even turned around.  I like my new 2-3 year old room at school.  So much to see and new toys to play with - I have only been there 3 days, but I know I like it.    

Favorite Foods:  Smoothies, yogurt, blueberry, grapes, waffles, corn, cereal, baked beans, chicken nuggets, granola bars, goldfish, animal crackers. Favorite Drinks: I just recently switched from whole milk to 1% milk. I drink one capri-sun juice a day after school. I also enjoy water from water fountains or sports bottles. 

Dislikes: My only dislike is not getting what I want at the moment I want it.  That is all really..

What is to come: Now that I am in the 2 year old room at school I get to start potty training.  I already have a potty at home and like to sit on it on occasion.  At school all the kids sit on the potty at the same time (peer pressure!) and try to go. I am already trying to be like the bigger kids but first I need to get better at pulling my shorts or pants down - that is pretty tricky. 
In 2 weeks I fly to Florida to visit nana and grandfather.  I can't wait!   The rest of the summer should be filled with sunshine and play!

Here is a bonus video of me playing with the toy Cole & Luke picked out for me:


Sharon or Allan May 7, 2011 at 4:11 PM  

Your a tall, lean, thinking machine just like Mom and Dad. Hugs, Dexter. I will see you soon. Grandfather

Blog Archive

Birthday Countdown

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Dexter's Growth

Birth (5/5/09) - 8 lbs 13.8oz - 20in
1 Month - 10 lbs, 11oz - 22in
2 Months - 11 lbs, 11 oz - 23in
4 Months - 15 lbs, 11oz - 25in
7 Months - 18 lbs 1.5oz - 28.8in
9 Months - 20 lbs 4 oz
1 Year - 22 lbs 9 oz - 29.9in
18 Months - 25 lbs 3 oz - 32.6in
2 Years - 27.8 lbs, 36 in
2.5 Years - 31 lbs, 37 in
3 Years - 32.6 lbs, 38 in
3.5 Years - 35.6 lbs, 39 in
4 Years - 36.6 lbs, 41 in
5 Years - 38.2 lbs, 42.75 in
6 Years - 44 lbs, 46 in
7 years - 49 lbs, 48 in


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